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Thoughts on the Corridor | 008

Official newsletter of the Lobito Corridor Investment Promotion Authority presenting news, views, and announcements impacting the Lobito Corridor.


Welcome to Thoughts on the Corridor, the official newsletter of the Lobito Corridor Investment Promotion Authority and section of the Emerging Real Estate Digest—your insider's guide to investing and doing business on the African continent. Stay informed about the Lobito Corridor with our "Thoughts on the Corridor" section, and keep up with general business trends across Africa through "Africa Vantage."

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Lobito Corridor News

📰 Lobito Corridor Concessions Granted to Extend the Railway to Tanzania

The new railway will connect Angola and Zambia to Tanzania and the Indian Ocean. The impacts to China’s revitalization of the TAZARA railway connecting Zambia to Tanzania are unknown at this point… Read More

📰 Ivanhoe Announces Kamoa-Kakula Achieved Records Copper Production in August of 40,347 Tonnes

The DRC copper mine, located along the Lobito Corridor, has produced a total of 263,000 tonnes of copper since May 2021 when the mine began producing… Read More

🎦 DBSA Lobito Corridor Explainer Video

Following its $200 million Lobito Corridor commitment the Development Bank of South Africa released this video:

[video for subscribers only]

📰 USTDA Provides $2 Million Technical Assistance Funding for Lobito Corridor

The Africa Finance Corporation (“AFC”) will use the proceeds to understand better the environmental and social impacts of bolstering the Lobito Corridor rail infrastructure… Read More

📰 Pensana Awarded $3.4 Million Technical Assistance Grant from DFC

The US Development Finance Corporation (“DFC”) provided the funding to conduct feasibilities for works aimed at doubling the capacity of the existing Longonjo mine design, as well as building downstream refining in Angola. Pensana will match the funding with its own capital over the next 27 months… Read More

📸 Map of Railways Being Built in Africa by Chinese

Over $25 billion in African rail has been invested by China since 2000, dwarfing similar investments made by all other nations combined over the same period.

📰 US Sees Bipartisan Backing for Africa Critical Minerals Plan

The Lobito Corridor is the flagship initiative for DC with $553 billion already committed. The broader infrastructure plan aims to deploy $600 billion by 2027 globally in infrastructure projects… Read More

📰 Biden to Make First Africa Visit to Angola in October

The trip will take place from 13-15 October and mark the first time a U.S. President has visited Africa since Barrack Obama in 2015. The trip will be the first ever to Angola by a sitting U.S. President… Read More

📰 Angola Noticeably Absent from Xi’s Africa Summit in Beijing

The same week Angola was announced as the 2025 home for the U.S.-Africa Business Summit. China has purchased less oil in recent years from Angola causing Angola’s oil production figures to drop 22% from 2019 (1.42 million barrels per day) to 2023 (1.1 million barrels). China has loaned Angola $45 billion since 2002, primarily to build energy infrastructure. Angola is having trouble servicing that debt due to China purchasing more oil from Russia, Asia, and the Persian Gulf, and less from Angola… Read More, (2)

📰 China to “Revitalize” Ageing Railway Linking Zambia, Tanzania

The single-track TAZARA was built between 1970 and 1975 through an interest-free loan, offering the capacity for China to export Zambia’s copper and cobalt to the sea. At that time, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe and Zambia) and South Africa were fiercely opposed to communism, and TAZARA circumvented those routes.… Read More

📰 Zambia Mines Lobby Calls on Government to Halt Reforms

The government’s plan to control at least 30% of future mines’ production will “undoubtedly deter potential investors from exploring Zambia,” Zambia’s Chamber of Mines said. The government is set upon taking the minimum stake “at no cost,” it added.… Read More



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