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Arnold Schwarzenegger Became A Millionaire From Real Estate Not Acting

Arnold Schwarzenegger became a millionaire from real estate investment, rather than from his acting career or bodybuilding achievements. By the time Arnold Schwarzenneger was a household name, he'd already amassed a sizable fortune through his real estate venture. Today, the actor's real estate holdings are estimated to be worth over $300 million.

arnold posing with muscles

In the early 1970s, Schwarzenegger was pushed by his mentor Joe Weider and an "old lady" (see video) to purchase real estate to combat the rampant inflation of the 70s which averaged out at 7.25% that decade. He listened and purchased a 6-unit apartment building, living in one, and renting out the others. The 6-plex was purchased for $235,000 in Santa Monica and sold 3 years later for double the price.

With the proceeds, he purchased a 12-unit apartment, and soon after, he sold and exchanged it for a 36-unit apartment building. Eventually, his holdings amassed to over 100 apartment units, and a handful of office buildings. The properties generated substantial cash flow to fund his lifestyle and pay for acting classes.

The financial freedom he gained through real estate permitted him to be more selective in roles to not hinder his career. For example, Schwarzenegger earned $75,000 for his role in "Stay Hungry" in 1976, a small sum compared to his real estate transactions and earnings.

By the time Arnold Schwarzenneger was a household name, he'd already amassed a sizable fortune through his real estate venture. Today, the actor's real estate holdings are estimated to be worth over $300 million.



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